Mission Partners
We have the privilege of partnering with:
- Sena & Jane, who work in the Normandy Region of France, leading a new church in Caen.
- David, who works in the UK to bring the good news of Jesus to people from East Asia.
- Klaas & Anna, who work in a predominantly Muslim city in North Africa.
- Luke, who works to take the good news of Jesus to people in South-East Asia.
Mission Projects
It is a joy and a blessing to be able to provide financial support to various overseas projects through our annual harvest thanksgiving services. We have also been able to support local food banks and homeless ministries.
- Cataract surgery in South Sudan (The Brickworks)
- Farming apprenticeships for disabled young adults in North Africa
- Fresh water taps for a community in Romania (TEN – Transform Europe Now)
- Bibles in several languages for India (OM – Operation Mobilisation)
- Sustainable agriculture project in Lesotho (Growing Nations)
- Jesus Wells – clean drinking water for families in Asia (Gospel for Asia)
- Solar powered Proclaimer units, (audio devices) packed with scripture & dramatized bible stories, for those with little or no electricity (Bible Society)
- Widows & orphans in Aleppo (Barnabus Fund)
- Educational TV supporting Christians in the Middle East & North Africa (SAT-7)
- New Testaments for Iranian refugees (Elam Ministries)
Mission Books/Resources
“Empowered” is a captivating book about the lives of 11 women and how they were used by God. Highly recommended for girls (and their parents).